Priority in camp selection will be given to applicants who have submitted their application by the deadline. Camp places will be allocated according to the needs of the orchestras and the number of pupils per instrument. In practice, this means that camp places will be allocated on an instrument-by-instrument basis and to secure players for the symphony orchestra, string orchestra and wind orchestra for each instrument. Each year there are more applicants for some instruments than camp places, so send in your application early!
You can write your eventual wish for a particular teacher in ‘Other information about the music camp’ section of the application form. However, we are not always able to implement these wishes, as the amount of puplis per teacher is limited. A wish for a particular teacher is therefore an explicit wish.
Remember to tick the box on the application form that says “I would like to participate in: x symphony orchestra”. The players of the symphony orchestra will be selected on the basis of the applications. The selection will be based on previous experience and the skill level of the player in relation to the level of the programme. That is why you should give a detailed presentation of your skill level on the application!
Kälviä Music Camp is very much an orchestra camp, so yes, everyone plays in an orchestra! On the application form, everyone can choose the orchestra they would like to play in. Orchestra lessons are included in the camp price.
No need. However, many teachers plan with their students which piece of music would be good to practice at the camp. It is a great help to the camp teacher if he or she knows in advance what kind of repertoire will be rehearsed with you.
Accommodation at the music camp is in the usual camp conditions. In practice, this means that the dormitory rooms will temporarily accommodate more people than the number of people staying in them during the normal winter season. As a rule, campers will be accommodated in 2-4 bedded rooms. Most will have shared toilets and showers. In addition, some campers are accommodated in classrooms in the school’s own facilities. Our school has a limited number of ‘real’ beds, so camp beds and extra mattresses are also available. The accommodation arrangements are based on the “Joker-principle”: campers will be accommodated in all available facilities, taking into account their roommate requests and age when possible. Accommodation in camp conditions requires campers to be flexible towards other people sharing the same room and to be able to adapt to camp conditions that may be very different from their own at home.
Yes, we have usually always been able to fulfil roommate wishes, so that friends can share a room. If there are no specific requests for a roommate, girls and boys of the same age will be accommodated in the same room. Girls and boys have separate rooms/dormitories.
The camp is aimed at children and young over 10 years old. The camper must be sufficiently self-directed to be able to manage his/her own daily schedule independently: wake up early in the morning, be able to go to his/her own lessons independently, take care of his/her own instrument and sheet music, attend orchestra rehearsals, be able to take care of meal times, adequate eating and personal hygiene. Children under 10 years old can only stay on the campsite if they are attending the camp with an older sibling. Otherwise, campers under the age of 10 are expected to stay with a guardian in self-organised accommodation. The majority of campers are aged between 12 and 18. More important than age is the ability to cope with more than a week of camping without getting homesick. Parents are welcome to visit the camp!
There is specially selected team who will take care of the practical arrangements throughout the camp. In addition, night guards have been assigned to the camp to ensure the safety and order of the camp area at night throughout the camp. Safety and compliance with the camp rules will be carefully monitored. The guardians of underage children will be sensitively informed of any breach of the camp rules.
An invoice for the full camp fee will be sent by separate post in May. This invoice is also the confirmation fee for the campsite, so it is important to make sure you pay by the due date.
Full board includes accommodation and all meals during the camp.
Camp places will be allocated after the application deadline. Camp selections are usually finalised in early May at the latest. You will get a text message as soon as the selections are finalised for all instruments. Invitation letters will be sent no later than week 20 to the email address indicated on the application form, both for the students and guardians of underaged children.